Friday, May 9, 2014

Pennysylvania Politics gets worse for gun control

  • Sep 6, 2013
  • by Bitter in Gun Rights, Pennsylvania
  • Gun Control

If you’re a gun owner in Pennsylvania, you need to be worried about 2014. You need to be very, very worried. Gov.  People need to be very worried Gov. Tom Corbett was succesful about putting down all talk of getting Pennsylvania to pass more gun control back in December that would bring us closer to the nightmares of neighbors New York and New Jersey. But his poll numbers are in the toilet, and the Democrats smell lots of blood in the water.  The leading candidate is F-rated Rep. Allyson Schwartz. There is no gun control idea she hasn’t backed – banning many semi-autos, effectively closing down gun shows, magazine bans, mandating “smart guns” that don’t exist – you name it, she’s backed it. She has no apologies for these positions, and she thinks she can win Pennsylvania on such a platform. She might be right.  Some other names in the running include Katie McGinty who is reportedly running on a “tighter gun control” platform, and Tom Wolf who is a possible slight improvement running on only “some gun control.”